
An intriguing new initiative aimed at empowering teenagers through an engaging comic book series. We are committed to addressing the particular difficulties that boys and girls confront during adolescence, including menstruation, physical changes, and other subjects. Our comics give a safe and instructive platform to explore these often-taboo issues, with two unique series for ages 9-14 and 14 and over. In this comic, we will demystify complex themes, create empathy, and provide young readers with information, self-confidence, and a feeling of normalcy by using sympathetic characters and compelling writing. Support us in breaking the teenage silence, encouraging open communication, and providing useful tools for adolescents, educators, and families. Welcome to Adolscience, where comics are used to educate, empower, and embrace the adolescent journey.

ADOL-SCIENCE is an innovative project launched by the Concern for Children Welfare Organization (CCWO) to provide comprehensive and culturally sensitive resources for adolescents in Pakistani society. The project aims to address the unique challenges of puberty faced by girls aged 9-14 and boys aged 10-15 through engaging comic books and informative videos. By promoting awareness about puberty, health, and hygiene, the project seeks to empower both adolescents and their parents with knowledge, encouraging open conversations and positive self-image.